1.) Please email Becky at: beckyrjorgeson@yahoo.com to add your name to the growing list of volunteers who will help us insulate, sheetrock, mud, prime, and paint the tiny houses after they are delivered to the site; administrative duties (clerical, managerial, fundraising, etc.). Everyone is welcome regardless of your interest or experience!
2.) Outreach & Publicity: Help give presentations to local groups you are involved with; help produce advertising materials, act as a liaison to other groups.
3.) Graphic Design & Website: Help improve our website and Facebook page, or develop other promotional materials.
4.) Donate to have a tiny house built by a local company in the name of a houseless person you know.
5.) Fundraising: Help plan an event to raise funds for Hope's Village (meet & greet, concert, dance, bake sale, bike ride, golf tournament, auction, dinner, etc.)
6.) Proposal writing: help us apply for grants and other funding opportunities from foundations, corporations, and private donors. We are not seeking government funding.
7.) When the village is completed, come share your knowledge and experience with our villagers - whatever it is. Many folks will be looking to expand their horizons and YOU CAN HELP! Music, artistic ventures, dance, yoga, photography, car detailing, etc.